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The blazing heat


The trick to getting yard work done in the jungle is to get started early enough to finish the work before the heat becomes unbearable. This usually means starting the work at 6 or 7 a.m. That’s what we did this past weekend, mulching, mowing and digging up smilax tubers. It was a lot of work.

When we came here, we came from a place where the use of power equipment before 9 a.m. was frowned upon. It was quite an adjustment to get used to the sound of a mower at 7 a.m. But the heat is implacable, inarguable, irresistible. You simply have to work around the heat.

That means you have to be finished with your work by noon or 1 p.m. There’s no way around it. Unless you’re a professional gardener, or you’re a Kalahari Bushman, the heat will drain you and toss you aside like a wet rag.

We got our work done, and the ever-encroaching jungle is held at bay for another week or two.

  1. 2013-06-29T19:10:17-04:00 19:10

    Just use a flashlight and do it in the middle of the night.


    • 2013-07-01T07:42:07-04:00 07:42

      Excellent point, except night is when the panthers roam. It’s hard to do yardwork AND hold a weapon at the ready.


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