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I cleaned out a bunch of dead links in the right-hand panel here. People stop blogging, or they get intimidated by readers who make threats (Muslims, mostly) and they take their blogs private. All things change.

Now I have to find some new links.

  1. 2013-01-16T13:59:33-05:00 13:59

    I notice you left Heather on there. She hasn’t blogged in over a year — but luckily in her case it’s for happy reasons. She is in love and is living her life. And just because it’s private doesn’t mean you can’t list mine. Otherwise you only remember to visit every couple of months.


    • 2013-01-16T19:05:30-05:00 19:05

      Good for Heather!

      I visit every week or so, not every couple of months. But sometimes it’s through other devices than my PC, and they won’t let me post comments.


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